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Service Desk of Fuzhou Cross Strait Advanced Manufacturing Technology Comprehensive Service Center has been awarded the honorary title of "National Youth Civilization"

Release time:2023-11-09 17:10:25 Source:fciiadmin Pagevie:

    Recently, the service desk of Fuzhou Cross Strait Advanced Manufacturing Technology Comprehensive Service Center (Mawei Base of Fujian Inspection and Research Institute for Product Quality) was awarded the honor of the "21st National Youth Civilization (One Star)"

    As one of the sixteen key platforms and the only testing technology support platform in the provincial free trade zone, the Fuzhou Cross Strait Advanced Manufacturing Technology Comprehensive Service Center of the Electronics department provides high-quality services such as customized services for enterprises, specialized training activities, establishment of "quality assistance stations", and convening of "quality improvement and strengthening enterprises" quality technology assistance meetings. Since June 2023, over a hundred learning and education activities, job innovation and efficiency creation activities, practical activities such as "I do practical things for the people", "Youth Civilization Open Day" activities, and centralized promotion and display activities of Youth Civilization have been carried out, directly serving over 1000 people and helping enterprises reduce their burden by more than 1.2 million Yuan. They have received widespread praise from enterprises and made positive contributions to the "quality power" and "quality province".

    Being awarded the honorary title of "Youth Civilization Number" in China this time is not only recognition of our work, but also a starting point for a new journey. The Electronic department will continue to focus on its position and play the exemplary and driving role of the "National Youth Civilization Account", leading young people to stay in their own positions, actively take action, strive for excellence, showcase first-class image style, and continue to write a new chapter of the "Youth Civilization Account".