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Proficiency testing (international comparison) of FQII obtained a satisfactory result

Release time:2024-06-05 10:45:41 Source:fciiadmin Pagevie:

    Recently, FQII received a notice on a proficiency testing plan result from China NIL Proficiency Testing Research Co., Ltd. The proficiency testing (international comparison) on “NIL PT-4629-1” metal material bar tensile test at room temperature participated in by Department of Building Materials of FQII obtained a satisfactory result.

    Mechanical properties are an important indicator that reflects use performance of metal materials, and the tensile test of metal materials at room temperature is a common means that inspects their mechanical properties, which has been widely used in the inspection of plate, belt, tube, profile and wire metal material products. A series of mechanical properties such as strength, hardness and fatigue of the materials can be tested through the tensile test of metal materials.

    FQII has been engaged in the inspection of building material products for many years, and the proficiency testing obtained the satisfactory result, which fully indicates that FQII has strong testing strength in the field of metal materials, and can provide accurate, true and objective test data for enterprises and the society.