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FQII became Energy Efficiency Labeling Testing Laboratory for LED Panel Lights

Release time:2024-06-26 10:03:02 Source:fciiadmin Pagevie:

    Recently, FQII successfully obtained qualificaiton of the energy efficiency labeling testing laboratory for LED panel lights. Currently, FQII has acquired qualificaitons for the energy efficiency labeling testing laboratories for over ten types of products, including non-directional self-ballasted LED lamps for general lighting, power transformers, and small and medium-sized three phase asynchronous motors, which has demonstrated FQII's professional technical level in energy efficiency labeling testing for various products.

    For a long time, relying on the Fujian Province LED Lighting Energy-saving Testing and Standardization Public Service Platform, FQII has supported the transformation, upgrading, and technological innovation of lighting enterprises across the province through excellent professional testing services. FQII actively adopts "online" communication and network acceptance methods, effectively reducing preliminary communication costs for enterprises. FQII also provides full lifecycle testing service solutions for product design, development, production, and usage, helping enterprises improve product processes, reduce energy consumption, and enhance performance. This effort promotes the industry's comprehensive transformation towards high-end structure, circular resource utilization, and green product supply, fostering new green competitive advantages for enterprises and empowering the development of the province's green economy.