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Personnel from the Provincial Department of Education came to FQII to carry out special research work

Release time:2023-11-30 15:16:00 Source:fciiadmin Pagevie:

  Recently, SU yidui, director of the Provincial Department of Education, and other two people came to FQII to carry out special research to further understand the acceptance progress of the 2023 classroom lighting environment renovation acceptance project. LIN Wei, vice president of FQII, attended the research activity.

  Director SU yidui and other two people first visited the Photoelectric Property Lab, Safety General Lab, Lighting Apparatus Lab etc., to gain an in-depth understanding of comprehensive capabilities of FQII in terms of hardware configuration, facility environment, testing capabilities and personnel level. Subsequently, they listened to the acceptance overview of the 2023 provincial classroom lighting environment renovation acceptance project and the “1234” service mode implemented by FQII in helping education departments in all parts of the province to carry out the classroom lighting renovation, recognized the technical support work of FQII, and hoped that FQII could continue to exert its influence and promote the acceptance of the classroom lighting renovation in Fujian to be more standardized and sustainable.

  In the future, FQII will give full play to its comprehensive strength in the field of light environment testing, and technically support the lighting renovation project of primary and secondary school classrooms in Fujian in 2023 for the provincial Party committee and the provincial government.